The Chilean Construction Chamber (CChC)

advice, guidance, support, results


The Chilean Construction Chamber (CChC) is the only private corporation in Chile dedicated to promote construction as a whole, one of the most important activities for the Nation’s development.

Since 1951, the Chamber participates in the improvement and rationalization of construction activities and also contributes in the generation of policies to face the enormous building and infrastructure challenges.

Major areas of investigation include the economy, environmental issues, urban growth, management, and technology. Studies within the environmental area include limits on noise pollution from construction sites, ways to improve the sustainability of construction, and methods for limiting atmospheric pollution. In the technology area, CChC works closely with the Innovative Technology Commission (CTI) whose objective is to promote the transfer of new technologies into construction.

Throughout the country, the Chamber has 16 regional branches from Arica, in the North, to Punta Arenas, in the South, through which it becomes familiar with the sector’s real local concerns. These branches are located in the cities of Arica, Iquique, Calama, Antofagasta, Copiapó, La Serena, Valparaíso, Rancagua, Talca, Concepción, Temuco, Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt, Coyhaique, and Punta Arenas.

It is worth mentioning the solid connections of the Chilean Chamber of Construction with business organizations in the Mining, Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial, and Banking sectors, together with which it conforms the Confederation of Manufacture & Trade.

The Chamber performs an active role as member of construction-related international organizations, such as the International Confederation of Contractors (CICCA), the Inter American Federation for the Construction Industry (FIIC), and the Inter American Housing Union (UNIAPRAVI).

Contact Information

Headquarters Address:
Marchant Pereira 10, piso 3, Código Postal 6640721, Providencia
Telephone: (56)(2) 3763300
Fax: (56)(2) 3713430
Santiago, Chile
Web Address:

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