New York City, New York

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Demonstration Site: Strivers Plaza
Strivers Plaza is a half block project in the middle of Harlem [Frederick Douglass Boulevard (8th Avenue) between 134th and 135th Street], sponsored by the NYC Partnership’s Community Partnership Development Corporation. Strivers Plaza is comprised of: a 14 story apartment building planned at approximately 150 units; 20 to 30 units of two to four story duplex units; 30,000 square feet of ground floor commercial space; 30,000 feet of ground floor parking; and a center courtyard area for residents of the complex. The developer is Sante Fe Construction, Inc., and the architect of record is Max Bond of Davis Brody Bond; construction is slated to start in September 1999. This a $45 million project that will have significant HUD funding. In support of this project, PATH has selected Steven Winter Associates (SWA) of Norwalk, Ct., to provide technical assistance through: Computational energy use analysis; PATH Technologies selection and implementation assessment; PATH Technology cost/benefit analysis; Logistical support to developer and designer in preparation of drawings, specifications, and product selections; analysis of code compliance barriers to PATH technologies, and support to overcome them; and documentation of benefits to the project and community. The project has also received the assistance of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for technical support in the commercial space through NYSERDA’s Flex-Tech program; it is believed that other NYSERDA monies may be available through utility System Benefits Charges (SBC) to write down the cost of some electricity conservation measures such as lighting, motors, appliances, and possibly to fund the incremental cost of higher performance envelope measures.

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90 Newport St., Natick, MA 01760

83 Taylor Street, Kings Mountain, NC 28086

22 Birch Hill St., Villa Rica, GA 30180

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