As a Non-profit, Community Development Agency, or Faith-Based Organization, you can qualify to become a PATH Partner by accomplishing any of the following:
Participate in a field evaluation or site demonstration (past participants in these activities will be grandfathered into the program);
Participate in PATH’s cooperative research;
Conduct research on advanced housing technologies that supports PATH strategic goals;
Regularly use PATH technologies and/or construction practices;
Actively promote the use of PATH technologies in homes.
If you qualify as a PATH Partner, you will receive the following benefits:
PATH consumer education materials electronic files, upon request;
A listing on PATHnet, including a Web site link and/or logo;
PATH Quarterly and ToolBase E-newsletters, which provide regular updates on building technologies;
Consideration for PATH’s “Speakers Bureau”;
A customized list of relevant PATH publications.
In addition, the PATH Partner may receive the following:
Benefits of PATH’s media outreach efforts promoting Partner’s participation in a field evaluation or site demonstration, if applicable;
Extensive publicity exposure at PATH’s Press Events for Partner’s involvement in major demonstration home projects, if applicable;
Opportunity to be featured in a PATH Success Story.
As a PATH Partner, you will agree to do the following:
Integrate PATH technologies and/or concepts as standard practice in the developments Partner builds and manages;
Agree to be contacted for follow up regarding the use of PATH technologies and concepts;
Provide a link to PATHnet on Partner’s Web site;
Distribute PATH literature;
Use PATH Partner logo in marketing efforts, following logo use guidelines.