Browse the latest stories written by PATH.
The Factory Factor Concept Home Series (final of 4 articles)
Professional Builder, March 2005
How does building a home that looks exactly like other homes, but performs better and can be finished in 20 days grab you? This is what factory built homes have to offer.
Retrofit with Structured Wiring
Professional Remodeler, March 2005
Where new-home technology ventures, existing-home technology often follows. More than 42 percent of new homes built in 2002 included structured wiring, making it the most widely incorporated technology in new homes.
Going Tankless
Professional Remodeler, February 2005
Widely used in Europe and Japan, tankless water heaters offer continuous on-demand hot water and lower water heating bills.
From Fantasy to Reality Concept Home Series (3rd of 4 articles)
Professional Builder, January 2005
Some builders view the electronic gadgetry associated with home automation systems as part of a distant, hi-tech future. But for many others, the future is now.
The New ABCs for HVAC Concept Home Series (2nd of 4 articles)
Professional Builder, November 2004
By taking advantage of the accessible spaces in open-web joists or raised ceilings, HVAC and other utilities can be easier to install and accessible for future repairs and upgrades.
Affordable Efficiency
Professional Remodeler, October 2004
Architect transforms inefficient and dilapidated Victorian townhouse into 21st Century dream home, and does it in an environmentally sustainable way.
The Next Generation of Plumbing Concept Home Series (1st of 4 articles)
Professional Builder, October 2004
A new approach to integrating plumbing systems can simplify installation, ease maintenance and improve the home’s livability, as well as the builder’s bottom line.
Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Systems
Professional Builder, September 2004
Find out when it’s better to use an aerobic wastewater treatment system than a conventional system.
Selling Energy Efficiency
Professional Remodeler, September 2004
Show clients the benefits of energy-efficient upgrades using Energy Efficient Rehab Advisor, a free Web-based tool developed for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Choosing Insulation
Professional Builder, August 2004
Enhance a home’s energy performance by using the correct insulation.
Appraising the Appraisal Process
Professional Builder, July 2004
Learn the obstacles to proper valuation so you can more effectively promote innovative products in the homes you build.
PATH Offers New Perspectives On Affordability
ResearchWorks, June 2004
While the efficiency upgrades like the ones in this PATH demonstration home generally make up for the difference in their cost in about two to three years, the savings continue throughout the usable life of the home.
Code Relief
Professional Builder, June 2004
The regulatory process is killer. Computer software, the Internet and wireless technology can help streamline the amount of hoops builders must jump through.
Whole-House Remodeling with Steel Studs and Joists
Professional Remodeler, June 2004
Durability and stability make steel a good fit for residential work. A sidebar offers a time and cost analysis of steel vs. wood.
Frost-Protected Shallow Foundations
Professional Builder, May 2004
Learn how this PATH Top Ten technology can save money for both builders and homeowners.
Modular Homes Gain Modern Acceptance
Professional Builder, April 2004
It’s not what you think. Take a look at the competitive new modular homebuilding sector.
PATH Supports Low Impact Development in Florida
ResearchWorks, April 2004
The City of Gainesville, Florida is showing that smart growth strategies can pay big dividends.
Building Technology 101: The Building Envelope
Her Home Magazine, Spring 2004
Understand what’s going on behind your walls, floors and ceilings.
Used and Improved?
Professional Remodeler, April 2004
Materials exchange programs offer builders and remodelers a dynamic marketplace–and market advantage.
Keep the Whole House Warm and Dry
Professional Remodeler, March 2004
Above-grade insulation techniques won’t work in the basement.
PATH in the Colonias: Building Homes and Communities through Partnerships
ResearchWorks, March 2004
A PATH demonstration home sets a new standard for quality in affordable housing.
The PATH to Innovation
ResearchWorks, February 2004
A PATH demonstration site has attracted national attention as a model for sustainable housing and advanced building technologies.
Green Building Goes Mainstream
Professional Builder, March 2004
Several indicators point to 2004 as a vanguard year for the green building movement as what has been niche moves into mainstream home building.
Whole House Design
Professional Builder, December 2003
Builders increasingly are adopting a whole-house approach to design, looking at the house as an integrated system, rather than a collection of products and parts, to deliver a better home.
Give Durability a Chance
Professional Builder, October 2003
There’s more to home durability than meets the eye. A few key points about “smart durability.”
Controlling Indoor Air Quality
Professional Builder, September 2003
Improvements in construction and energy-efficient designs have resulted in today’s “tighter” buildings, which often require dedicated ventilation systems.
Technology vs. Nature
Professional Builder, August 2003
Here’s PATH’s list of building practices you can adopt to improve your homes’ odds of weathering major storms.
The Value in OVE
Professional Builder, July 2003
Advanced framing techniques help builders reduce the amount of lumber used while maintaining structural integrity. They not only lower costs, they also result in improved thermal performance.