October 2004, 115 pages
Moisture, in all its physical forms, is commonly regarded as the single greatest threat to durability and long-term performance of the housing stock. Excessive exposure to moisture is not only a common cause of significant damage to many types of building components and materials, it also can lead to unhealthy indoor living environments. A long list of serious adverse effects can result from moisture problems in houses. There is wide agreement that successful management of moisture in its various forms is essential for houses to be durable, safe, and energy efficient.
This project set out to develop recommendations for future research on moisture problems in housing that will help to prevent such problems or resolve them once they have occurred. The research recommendations were developed following a review and analysis of the extensive technical literature concerning the problems created by bulk water and excessive water vapor in houses, and the solutions to those problems. The literature review was supplemented with information about ongoing public and private research into moisture problems prior to developing research recommendations. Detailed input was also provided by a panel of experts active in this field.
Recommended research topics are organized under three overarching goals:
- building improved knowledge about the nature, extent and implications of moisture problems,
- pursuing a variety of methods for preventing and detecting moisture problems,
- and taking greater advantage of the potential offered by moisture modeling tools.
Project ideas are summarized with an explanation of the need for the work and other information including responsibility for heading up the work, and the timing and level of funding anticipated. The projects considered very high and high priority are also identified, based on input from participants at the Expert Panel meeting.