PATH to Unveil New Resource for Innovation
Are you ready to innovate but not sure where to start? If so, PATH has a new tool just for you. At the 2005 International Builders’ Show, PATH will unveil its first Tech Set, a new resource that promotes a systems approach to technology integration.
PATH’s Tech Sets will offer builders a cost-effective framework of technologies that can be used together to improve durability, energy efficiency, environmental performance, disaster resistance, or safety–or several of these categories.
Each quarter PATH will launch a new set addressing an area of interest to builders and remodelers. All of the Tech Sets will be available on the PATH Web site, along with more information about the individual technologies.
PATH Sponsors Tutorial Townhouses, Hosts “Breakfast of Innovators” at 2005 IBS
PATH is pleased to announce the sponsorship of the PATH Tutorial Townhouses, the centerpiece of Reed Communications’ Show Village at the 2005 International Builders’ Show (IBS) in Orlando, Florida. More than 20 PATH-profiled technologies will be featured in the home to highlight PATH’s principles of affordability, energy efficiency, durability, quality, reduced environmental impact and resistance to natural disasters.
Builders are invited to the third annual PATH “Breakfast of Innovators” on January 14, at 7:30 a.m., to view the home and hear PATH’s latest technology announcement. Visitors will be offered the unique opportunity to enter through an unfinished unit of one of the townhouses, and then tour the second “move-in” ready house. This design renders the townhouses a virtual self-paced tutorial, allowing visitors a before-and-after perspective on the integration of building systems and technologies. The PATH Tutorial Townhouses are the only demonstration homes at the 2005 IBS that provide this type of instructive exhibit of the technology integration process.
PATH-profiled technologies in the townhouses include: high wind-resistant asphalt roof shingles, fiber-cement siding, optimized HVAC, tankless water heater, home run plumbing with a plastic plumbing manifold, air admittance valves for venting drains, low- or no-VOC Paints, bamboo flooring, recycled content carpet, radiant barriers, ENERGY STAR ® qualified windows, lighting and appliances, and many more. More information
To RSVP for the breakfast, please send an email to PATH.
Folsom/Dore Apartments “Talk and Tour” Highlights PATH Technologies
Members of the housing industry had a unique opportunity on December 8, 2004, to view PATH innovations in the Folsom/Dore apartment project in San Francisco. The tour of the nearly finished project, hosted by Citizens Housing Corporation (CHC), highlighted several energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly technologies including a highly-efficient HVAC system, photovoltaic system, fly-ash concrete, recycled content carpet, and more. By incorporating these technologies, energy use at the four-story complex is projected to be 20 percent lower than California’s Title 24 standards.
“Energy efficiency may be even more valuable to middle- and low-income renters who must live on a fixed budget. And there may be no better way to demonstrate this than through an affordable housing project in San Francisco’s South of Market Neighborhood,” said Janet Browder of the Office of Multifamily Housing of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. “We’re pleased to be involved with an exciting project that gives developers, designers, contractors and all members of the housing community an opportunity to learn more about the importance and practicality of sustainable design.”
Learn more about the Folsom/Dore Apartments
New Best Practices Resource for Hot and Humid Climates
A new handbook from the Department of Energy’s Building America program helps builders develop durable, comfortable homes that achieve 30% energy savings in space conditioning and water heating in hot and humid climates. The handbook contains chapters for every member of the builder’s team–from managers to site planners to designers, site supervisors, the trades, and marketers. There is also a chapter to help homeowners select the best systems for their new home.