Demonstration Site: NextGen/New Hampshire Community Loan Fund – Barrington Hills, NH
March 2002 – New Hampshire Community Loan Fund (NHCLF) makes initial contact with Steven Winter Asociates (SWA). SWA expresses keen interest.
April 2002 – SWA visits NHCLF to meet Project Manager Rick Keller, Paul Bradley; Julie Eads; site visit with Kate Hartnett, The Jordan Institute; visit to SPNHF solar HQ. SWA sends “Plan of Action” detailing necessary steps. SWA agrees to send proposed layout of homes for help in site planning. NHCLF requests clarification of PATH funding for SWA from state legislators. HUD approves Level 1 PATH involvement for SWA. SWA reports on builder contacts and home costs to NHCLF; sends two-story design. NHCLF omnibus site planning and coordination meeting is held; SWA’s Gordon Tully participates by telephone; results in detailed site plan.
May 2002 – PATH sends pricing and builders’ stock plans to NHCLF, as well as conceptual site plan with homes solar-oriented. PATH responds to questions on site planning and design.
June 2002 – PATH sends specifications for setup so NHCLF can obtain prices. NHCLF talks to Kris Jensen about slabs; PATH resolves some questions on foundations for NHCLF pricing.
July 2002 – PATH prepares and sends conceptual rendering for use in planning review. NHCLF files plans for review, alerting abutters. PATH responds to questions about substitute for vinyl siding.
August 2002 – NHCLF’s Design Phase Hearing with the Barrington Planning Board with OK to proceed; minor concerns about hammerhead turnaround, number of children added to school, play space, and whether old variance is still running; pleased with environmentally responsible approach; no abutter objections. New Hampshire newly citing over-height home sections; may impact costs. SWA funded to continue PATH work for another year. HUD OKs continuing work on project; requested Level 2 involvement proposal from SWA. NHCLF forwarded letters of support for PATH and project from NH Federal legislators.
September 2002 – Project receives first stage approval from the planning board. Work continues for the full approval submittal.
October 2002 – SWA is submitting the Media Plan along with a request for Level 2 funding.
November 2002 – Media Plan submitted. October meeting of the Barrington Planning Board does not draw local opposition; however, due to full agenda, Board postpones consideration of the project until November.
December 2002 – Project meets final site plan approval. There is pressure to use an exterior finish other than vinyl siding, possibly fiber-cement siding.
January 2003 – Gordon Tully makes a site visit to review project requirements. In response to the interest in passive solar design, PATH develops two plans for 28′ x 48′ homes with their living spaces oriented away from the road, one end-on and one side-on. NHCLF solicits interest of Titan Homes and New Era, two companies that offer Hardie siding.
February 2003 – NHCLF approves the passive solar home plans; plans were sent to Titan, New Era and Burlington.
March 2003 – Titan Industries and New Era are both on board with no word from Burlington. At least one test well achieved the minimum flow. A teleconference takes place with HUD, NHCLF, PATH, and Senator Gregg regarding plans for groundbreaking in August.
April 2003 – PATH receives prices from Burlington, and submits a bid package to Titan Homes, Ritz-Craft Homes, and New Era. Only Titan and New Era can respond with a Cape design. The 48-hour flow test of wells is satisfactorily completed. The water test is delayed due to a backlog in the lab. PATH prepares a standard foundation design and specifications for pricing with a design featuring gravel trench footings and a slab.
May 2003 – The first home is scheduled for late July. PATH prepares a rendering for local promotion. NHCLF has prices from Burlington, Ritz-Craft and Titan; still unable to get a quote from New Era.
June 2003 – The first home has been delayed due to well approvals. PATH continues to help NHCLF compare prices between manufacturers.
July 2003 – Gary Spaulding prepares site engineering drawings. PATH makes changes, and prepares fully detailed plans for typical basement and slab foundations. Unable to secure a logger to clear the site, and finding all quotes for home septic systems, foundations and site work to exceed the budget. NHCLF decides to delay the project. Plans are for building roads in early fall, marketing during the winter, and setting the first home in the spring. Alternative lower priced septic system is under consideration. Gary Spaulding, site engineer for the project, now works for NHCLF.
August 2003 – The logger is scheduled for early September, with road work soon thereafter. After a delay, NHCLF and PATH are working on an alternative foundation design that abandons the slab in favor of trench footings with a short CMU frostwall and individual pads (or strip footings) under the home’s piers. New Era is exhibiting intense renewed interest, and has offered to fly Rick Keller to Pennsylvania to see their plants.
September 2003 – Rick Keller was impressed with the New Era and Castle plants on his visit to Pennsylvania. The logger came onto the site in mid-September. Bids were received for the roadwork, with contractor selection to be made at the end of the month.