Concept Home Principles

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The Concept Home uses innovative building technologies to enhance a home’s flexibility and make it more efficient to build and maintain.

Six principles create the foundation for incorporating innovative systems into the Concept Home. PATH has prepared a series of reports which explore technologies and systems that support each principle.

Principle #1: Flexible Floor Plans feature designs and building systems that enable interior spaces to be reconfigured more easily.

Principle #2: Organized and Accessible Systems reduce interdependencies by disentangling mechanicals from each other and separating them from the structure and floor plan. This organizes the systems so they are laid out efficiently and logically, and provides easy access for repairs, upgrades and remodeling.

Principle #3: Improved Production Processes encompasses management systems, information and communications technology, manufacturing processes, and assembly processes that improve building quality and efficiency while reducing production time.

Principle #4: Alternative Basic Materials are new advanced materials or those adapted from other industries and applied to home building.

Principle #5: Standardization of Measurements and Component Interfaces simplifies product installation and enhances design flexibility by adopting a standardized approach throughout the design and fabrication of a house.

Principle #6: Integrated Functions combines systems to increase efficiency, reduce equipment needs and promote multi-functional designs.

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90 Newport St., Natick, MA 01760

83 Taylor Street, Kings Mountain, NC 28086

22 Birch Hill St., Villa Rica, GA 30180

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