Belgian Building Research Institute (BBRI)

advice, guidance, support, results


The Belgian Building Research Institute, established in 1960 under the act of 30/01/1947, is an applied scientific research and information institute for the Belgium construction sector. BBRI is at the disposal of construction companies, industry, designers and Belgium authorities. They have a permanent co-operation with universities and other specialized research institutes. BBRI has 182 staff members, comprised of 95 engineers and other highly qualified staff members. BBRI handles the most complicated construction problems by offering a multidisciplinary approach .

The Belgian Building Research Institute is financed by:

construction firms, which are legally obliged to pay a contribution;

subsidies of authorities for collective research;

revenues of research under contract, sale of publications and other services.



Collective research studies for the whole construction sector

Technological support by transferring new technologies into the industry

Co-operation on standardization and technical regulation

Specialized Divisions and Services:


Soil mechanics and Execution Techniques


Roofs and Facades

Technical Equipment and Automation

Building Physics and Internal Climate

Building Chemistry

Applied Computer Science

Development and Innovation

Carries out research under contract at the request of the industry
and the authorities.

Quality certification for construction products and systems within the
framework of UBAtc.


Direct technical assistance to building firms through visits on site,
reports, and advice given by phone

Information dissemination through documentation, training and
publications; publication of a magazine and detailed technical
documents for the building sector; audio-visual editions

Assistance to building firms to help them obtain the quality
certification ISO 9001/2

Assistance to building firms with planning and measuring techniques

Assistance to building firms within the framework of computer

Specialized divisions and services:

Technical Consulting



Planning Techniques

Contact Information

Main Office
Poincarélaan 79
Telephone : +32-2-502.66.90
Fax : +32-2-502.81.80
Web Address:

Research Facility
Avenue P. Holoffe 21
Telephone : +32-2-655.77.11
Fax : +32-2-653.07.29

Leading the way

Let's build a better world together

Project planning

Design expertise

Great qualifications

Nullam vestibulum finibus sapien, id consequat mauris tempus auctor.


90 Newport St., Natick, MA 01760

83 Taylor Street, Kings Mountain, NC 28086

22 Birch Hill St., Villa Rica, GA 30180

Support requests

Nullam scelerisque leo felis, quis congue mauris tristique in. Suspendisse pulvinar, felis eu facilisis mattis, turpis odio luctus nisi, et ultrices velit enim quis lacus.

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