The European Council for Construction Research, Development and Innovation (ECCREDI) was created in Brussels on December 19, 1995 with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by representatives of European construction related organizations.
The European organizations participating in ECCREDI represent the principal actors involved in the construction sector: contractors, engineering consultants, architects and designers, product and material producers as well as research bodies.
The aim of ECCREDI is to contribute to the competitiveness, quality, safety, and environmental performance of the construction sector and to the overall sustainability of the built environment, by increasing the extent and effectiveness of construction research, technical and process development, and innovation.
The Memorandum of Understanding listed four principle objectives:
Providing a forum for the development of consensus views on:
research, technical and process developments;
initiatives contributing to increased activity in research and innovation in the construction sector.
Promoting such consensus views throughout European, National and Regional Institutions.
Promoting collaboration and networking amongst the participating organizations and their constituent bodies.
Promoting the dissemination and exploitation of the results of research through the production of guidance documents, and the organisation of workshops, seminars, conferences, etc.
Contact Information
ECCREDI Executive Secretariat
Boulevard Poincaré 79
Telephone: (32) 2 716 42 11 – (32) 2 655 77 11
Fax : (32) 2 725 32 12 – (32) 2 653 07 29
Web Address: