Syracuse, NY

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Field Evaluation: Habitat for Humanity’s “Success on Seymour”

In June 2002, PATH participated in a kick-off ceremony for the Syracuse, New York Habitat for Humanity’s Blitz Build called “Success on Seymour”. The event featured U.S. Congressman Jim Walsh; HUD Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, Roy Bernardi; Syracuse Mayor Matt Driscoll; and Habitat for Humanity Washington Office Director, Tom Jones.

PATH-sponsored activities included tests to ensure that the houses and heating ducts were sealed to provide greater energy efficiency, comfort, and homeowner savings. PATH also worked with a number of vendors to provide innovative technologies, including blown-in cellulose insulation and high efficiency furnaces. As a result of PATH’s assistance, these high quality homes are more durable and energy-efficient.

In one week, four homes were built and enclosed with walls, siding, windows, doors, roof, and shingles. Carrier Corporation sponsored two of the homes; Nationwide Insurance and the Fayetteville-Manlius Consortium of Churches sponsored one home each.

The four homes were completed in February 2003. A Final Report is being prepared.

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